Buy Youtube Video SEO Service

YouTube Keyword Research:

How will audience find your YouTube video? YouTube algorithm displays your video when search bar keyword matches your title, tags and description. So most important factor in YouTube Video SEO is to conduct a proper keyword research.

It’s really simple to know what people are searching. You can use YouTube search bar; Google Trends and Competitor Tags to extract most relevant keywords with high research volume. An extra munch you can use google search results to estimate searches of a keyword.

  • Basic
  • $25/once
  • Optimize 1 Youtube video
  • Title & Description Optimized
  • 10 Keywords/Hashtags Research
  • 2 end screens
  • Meta Tag Optimization
  • 1 custom thumbnail
  • Standard
  • $50/once
  • Analyze 1 Youtube channel w/report
  • Title & Description Optimized
  • 5 Keywords/Hashtags Research
  • Rewrite channel description with Seo
  • Meta Tag Optimization
  • Page/Channel Evaluation
  • Premium
  • $75/once
  • Optimize 3 Youtube videos
  • Title & Description Optimized
  • 10 Keywords/Hashtags Research
  • 2 end screens
  • Meta Tag Optimization
  • 3 custom thumbnails
  • Starter
  • $200/once
  • Offpage SEO plan: starter
  • No of Youtube video SEO: 1
  • Contextual Backlinks: 30+
  • No of Keywords: 10
  • Social Bookmarking: 50+
  • Web 2.0 Profile Links: 100+
  • Press Releases: 5+
  • Article Writing: 15+
  • Social Networking: 50+
  • Wiki Posts: 10+
  • PDF Links: 10+
  • Indexing & Pinging: Yes
  • Work Reports: 1 Report per Week
  • Drip Feeding: 5+
  • Forum Profiles: 100+
  • Business
  • $500/once
  • Offpage SEO: Professional
  • No of Youtube video SEO: 1
  • Contextual Backlinks:50+
  • No of Keywords: 10
  • Social Bookmarking: 100+
  • Web 2.0 Profile Links: 250+
  • Press Releases: 10+
  • Article Writing: 30+
  • Social Networking: 100+
  • Wiki Posts: 20+
  • PDF Links: 10+
  • Indexing & Pinging: Yes
  • Work Reports: 2 Report per Week
  • Drip Feeding: Yes
  • Forum Profile: 200+
  • Pro
  • $1000/once
  • Offpage SEO: Expert
  • No of Youtube video SEO: 2
  • Contextual Backlinks:100+
  • No of Keywords: 20
  • Social Bookmarking: 200+
  • Web 2.0 Profile Links: 500+
  • Press Releases: 20+
  • Article Writing: 100+
  • Social Networking: 200+
  • Wiki Posts: 40+
  • PDF Links: 10+
  • Pinging & Indexing: Yes
  • Work Reports: 2 Report per Week
  • Drip Feeding: Yes
  • Forum Profiles: 300+

YouTube Video SEO & Optimization:

My favorite. Yes, spine of YouTube Video SEO is to optimize your video before publishing it. It’s simple you just have to follow the following steps;

  • Rename Video: Before uploading a video rename it with your selected of all well researched keywords
  • Video Title: Add selected keywords in your video title with a natural look.
  • Video Description; Write a concise description using keywords you extracted during keyword research and add them in your description.
  • Thumbnails: Design a thumbnail representing your video as viewer’s decision to watch any video is influenced by the thumb nails of your video
  • Use End Screens and Cards: if you are struggling to rank videos do try it. These two factors are neglected by youtubers yet increase viewership rapidly.

Tags Research & Ranking:

Tags to rank, don’t get into creating tags for your you tube videos. First tag shall be your main keyword and then other extracted keywords. To find tags for your YouTube videos you can follow the following steps;

Do competitor research in you niche and select your competitors

During tags research during YouTube Video SEO find other videos of your topic with high views and extract their keywords

To extract tags you can install Vidiq extension. Install the extension and open videos. You will get all tags. Make a list of tags and choose the most relevant one.


High-Retention Video:

Valuable and interesting content retains audience to get 100% watch time. If your video retains viewers on your YouTube videos, then automatically YouTube Video SEO displays your video high in search results.


YouTube Promotion and Analytics:

Finally, your YouTube Video SEO is complete, organic growth is increasing. Now it time to level up with YouTube promotion and analytics

YouTube Promotion: Promote your video on all other social media platforms and in your social circle. It brings a positive impact on your YouTube Video SEO and organic growth

YouTube Analytics: Checkout and study google analytics to find how your video is performing and for future content planning. If viewers leave your video earlier then you have to work on high retention videos and content planning.

YouTube Video SEO is a simple and joyful process. Either you are thinking of starting a channel or already have one YouTube algorithm will update continuously so do we have to update. Most successful youtubers plan their content with audience mindset approach. Hey show what people want to see so shall you plan your content accordingly

How to do YouTube SEO?

Before promotion make sure your YouTube content is SEO optimized and ready to promote. An SEO checklist to follow include the following important factors

  • Video relevant Keyword Research and extraction

  • SEO optimized Titles and description to rank up on YouTube

  • Rename your video with keywords before uploading it.

  • Make sure the content in your video is engaging and pitching to retain viewers till the end

  • Categories: Make sure your videos are categorized into playlists. As your content increase on YouTube it becomes a mess to scroll if someone comes looking for specific videos on your channel. So with content creation start categorizing your content.

  • Thumbnails: Design thumbnails that are visible and represent your Video. One of the influencing factor and video ranking is thumbnails that increase audience on your YouTube channel.

  • Make playlists to organize your content on YouTube

  • Make sure your titles are stuffed in keywords and catchy to make viewers open your video while scrolling on YouTube.

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