• Personal
  • $150/Month
  • 4 Pages web design
  • Theme Installation
  • Slider Designs
  • 5 plugins Installation
  • 3 Forms
  • Basic Security (login)
  • Basic Customization
  • Business
  • $250/Month
  • 7 Pages web design
  • Responsive Website
  • SEO and Speed Optimized
  • 10 Plugin installed
  • 10 Forms
  • Blog Setup
  • Content Upload
  • Expert
  • $450/Month
  • 10 Pages web design
  • E-commerce Functionality
  • Payment Integration
  • Unlimited Plugins
  • 20 Forms
  • Full SSL encryption
  • Full Customization

If you’re a business owner you need one. A good one. A professionally designed, eye-catching, sales-increasing website.
Here’s why:
Buyer behavior changes over time to familiarize itself with modern technology, and consumer behavior has changed to familiarize itself with the digital age.
Most buyers look online for information before purchasing that will help them make smarter purchasing decisions. In fact, according to the E-Commerce Foundation, 88% of consumers research product info before they place an order online. This buying behavior style emphasizes the importance of a website for today’s businesses.
If you want your company to be successful in the contemporary marketplace, you’ve to manage a professional website.
Here are some important reasons Why Should You Order Us to Make Your Website

⦁ A website shows that you look professional.
⦁ Website attract new customers through Google other search engines as well as from social media platform.
⦁ 93% of product Purchase Decisions Start with a Search Engine Search of Websites.
⦁ It Gives You Ease of Entrance.
⦁ It’s a Low Cost per Impression Marketing tool.
⦁ It Gives You Chances Abroad.
⦁ You can glass case your products and services in the best way.
⦁ You can display your best reviews.
⦁ A website can inspire customers to contact you.
⦁ Your website takeoffs your position in the industry.
⦁ A website guarantees your success over the long term.
⦁ You can get all of these benefits without spending a treasure.


Here are some examples you can build with WordPress:
Create a custom wordpress website design
A customizable WordPress theme is one that you can edit and change as per your requirements. WordPress is an Open Source CMS that permits you to modernize and edit your website with an easy to use back-end interface.
Responsive WordPress website
A responsive theme is one that will incorporate the two aspects of RWD: fluid widths and media queries. Responsive design is not just about making things fit on a screen, without the need for additional themes or plugins, it’s also about keeping the site operational
Design responsive email template
If you read your email by using a phone, you probably know that it’s an experience from splendid to horrible. While an email newsletter can look fantastic in a PC inbox, it can become absolutely useless when enfolded onto a small screen with small fonts, narrow columns, and broken layouts being common issues.

WordPress woo commerce customization
WooCommerce is a free e-commerce plugin that adds easily to your existing WordPress site. It is designed for small to large-sized online suppliers using WordPress. WooCommerce turns your site into a fully functional WordPress e-commerce website with just a few clicks. The best thing about WordPress and WooCommerce is code and content can be changed according to suit — adjust and customize your website exclusively.
Set up your shopify store
WordPress and E-Commerce exist together and turn the WordPress platform to build an online shop. Since WordPress already has WooCommerce and other built-in E-commerce plugins, why would you consider Shopify? Shopify is a separate platform that allows users to open a hosted online shop in a few minutes. At first, it might seem illogical to mix the two platforms, however, last year Shopify announced the publication of their WordPress plugin and three free WordPress themes. Obviously, this is a move to break into the larger WordPress community and become the E-Commerce solution for many of them.


WordPress Theme
A WordPress theme offers the design “framework” of your website. Most WordPress themes provide:
• The overall design of your site
• Site-wide font styles
• Color scheme
• Styles for blog posts and blog archive
• Page layouts
• Widget locations
• Additional stylistic details

Create a custom WordPress website design.
A customizable WordPress theme is one that you can edit and change as per your requirements. WordPress is an Open Source CMS that permits you to modernize and edit your website with an easy to use back-end interface. When websites were first developed, each page existed as a separate HTML page in a file folder. If you wanted to bring up-to-date one link in the navigation menu, you had to go into every single page on the site and manually update the navigation link. But, CMS allows you to update the navigation link once and effects take place through the complete website.
CMS stands for Content Management System. As the name suggest, it is a system for managing your content. Mainly, a CMS is a software that allows you to update and edit your website without knowledge of code.
Custom WordPress Development
Normally, the developer code the CSS and HTML design for the site, also known as the front-end design, first. Then once the front-end design is finalized the developer adds that to a custom WordPress theme where they will code the backend development.
What is the programming language for WordPress?
WordPress has a L.A.M.P. system that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This is the same system used on many top websites in the world including Facebook.
Are WordPress websites responsive?
It depends on which theme you are using. These days just about all premade themes are responsive and become accustomed to the iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices. A fully custom WordPress website can run from $5k to over $35k. So why a custom WordPress website is so expensive? Because it’s worth it.
Key Features and Functionalities: Mostly when you’re selecting a free customizable WordPress theme, consider the numerous features and functions your site will need. For example, if it’s an online store, your theme must assimilate well with an E-Commerce plugin.
The Scope of Customization: Perform detailed checks with demonstrators to make sure the theme provides a massive scope of customization, also maintaining a perfect balance between the design and user experience.
Frequent Updates & Developer Support: This is crucial to make your WordPress site endure. To keep your site reliable, always choose a theme with regular updates, constant developer input, and round-the-clock maintenance service.
User Reviews and Ratings: Finally, check out the reviews of existing users to learn about the positives and negatives of the theme you’re going to install or purchase. While each review is not helpful, some of them would certainly give you a judicious clue of how good the theme is for customization.
Easy to use
Wide adoption
Large Developer Base
Established History
Great for SEO
Large Plugin Library
Integrates Well With 3rd Parties
Flexible Backend


Responsive WordPress website
Having a responsive website is extremely important nowadays.
A responsive theme is one that will incorporate the two aspects of RWD: fluid widths and media queries. Responsive design is not just about making things fit on a screen, without the need for additional themes or plugins, it’s also about keeping the site operational. Therefore, as the last step, it’s a good idea to check your site usability on different devices. WordPress provides the feature of a responsive website is a great way. Responsive Web design is often still defined as a trend. And some might quietly hope that the trend will pass sooner or later. But responsive Web design is now much more than a trend: it’s a mindset of new Era.
Why are mobile-friendly sites important?
More and more mobile devices are overflowing the market every day, changing the way people use the Internet. 61% of Google searches took place by a mobile device. That means that over half the population is turning to phones and tablets from outdated desktop devices, so to carry on with them, your website requires to be ready to display on any screen size.
WordPress Responsive themes provide enhanced readability and usability on smaller screens such as smartphones. Afore responsive themes, sites would have created a different mobile versions for each platform such as iPhone, Android, etc.
WordPress good responsive theme features:
The width of the site resizes continuously as the screen width resizes, using stretchy, percentage-based widths.
At breakpoints where the layout changes, nothing fades or ends up unseen behind another element.
The responsive layout smear to all content types in the site, not just Pages, Posts, or Records.
When viewed on a device with a small screen, the design makes it easy for users to tap on links and navigate around the site, using responsive navigation menus.
It’s easy to read the content on all device types: the text is also readable on small screens.
Widget areas are included in media questions so that their design makes them easier to read and interact with on small screens.

Why Responsive Web Designs?
Today, responsive designs are controlling the market because they:
• Boost search engine visually
• Offers excellent user experience
• Skyrocket adaptation rates
• Simple site management
• Fantastic offline browsing experience

1. Give Soul to Your Web Site with CSS & HTML
CSS & HTML features provide soul to your site. Without them, you can’t even visualize creating a responsive design for your WordPress Web site.
CSS is the base that allows developers to build responsive layouts. The CSS codes are written for the HTML elements that you want for any given effect per your planned design.
The combination of CSS3 and HTML5 allows any developer to create an unbelievable WordPress Web site. So, you can say that there is enormous scope for designers and developers when it comes to showing creativity and innovation with Web site designs.
2. Use the Power of PHP
The WordPress platform supports PHP, so use PHP. For instance, if you want to bring into line your brand’s logo and site navigation, you can add this code to your functions.php file.
Grids play an important role in responsive Web design. If you want to make your site to familiarize any screen size, then you must use the proper code. Grids permit you easy resizing so that all the essential elements of your site fit, irrespective of the device.
3. Optimize Images for Responsive Design
Images are the most important element of any responsive Web site. While creating a responsive design for your site, you must adjust the images. Image optimization will melodramatically decrease bandwidth and scaling issues.
If you are thinking about the paybacks of using WordPress responsive themes, then check this out:
Most of the themes are free.
These themes have great features that offer easy site management and customization. Further, you will have ample choices of themes that will vary in available features, choose the relevant one that best fits according to your needs.
Avoid using unnecessary text as it may affect the layout of your Web site on mobile devices.
Structure your site properly; otherwise, ‘div’ issues can make it quite complicated for you.
Use JavaScript/jQuery but only when requires.

Design a responsive email template
Creating good email templates is assets an article on its own.
Whatever type of website you operate, its success will probably turn point on your dealings with your viewers. One of the actual tools can be a simple email. If you read your email by using a phone, you probably know that it’s an experience from splendid to horrible. While an email newsletter can look fantastic in a PC inbox, it can become absolutely useless when enfolded onto a small screen with small fonts, narrow columns, and broken layouts being common issues. Increased screen sizes and resolutions mean more chances for refining your responsive email design.
When you select to bring your creative project on the web or make the widespread audience know about your brand, you want to offer your future visitors the best online experience ever. This deal comes with the layout, navigation, along look and feel of your email newsletter. Indeed, addition the newsletter subscription form to your blog or website is one of the verified ways to engage with your audience and found a long-lasting relationship with the readers.
As more web traffic carry on to transfer to mobile, designing sites and practices for different sized screens becomes more important. The trend towards responsive web design instigated the way back in 2010 when web designer Ethan Marcotte suggested that “rather than tailoring disconnected designs to each of an ever-increasing number of web devices, we can treat them as facets of the same experience.” Design once, view everywhere. What a great idea!
WordPress users are lucky enough since WordPress now has user-friendly and flexible functions to give you a lot of control in handling your website’s emails.In order to create an email system, you have to do four things. First, generate a nice email template to use. Then adjust the mailer function so that it uses a new custom template. Then modify the genuine text of some of the built-in emails. After that proceed to hook emails into different events in order to send some custom emails.
How WordPress Sends Emails
WordPress has a convenient function built-in called wp_mail(), which handles the nuts and bolts of email sending. It has the ability to handle almost anything you throw at it, from custom HTML emails to changes to the “From” field. WordPress itself uses this function.
Hooks enable us to add functions to WordPress without changing core files. Without hooks, if it requires to send a publication notice to the author of a post, you have to find the function that published the post and add code directly to it.
Email is first opened on a mobile device 51% of the time, and that number is rising very fast every single passing day
Source: The ultimate mobile email statistics overview

• The most noticeable email client is the Apple iPhone at 28%
Source: Email Client Market Share and Popularity – December 2017

• Mail chimp found that unique clicks amongst mobile users for responsive email campaigns rose from 2.7% to 3.1% — a nearly 15% increase
Source: Impact of Mobile Use on Email Engagement – Learning Resources – MailChimp

• For every $1 spent, $48 is the average return on email marketing investment
Source: Why Email Marketing at Experian.com

WordPress woo commerce customization
WooCommerce is a free e-commerce plugin that adds easily to your existing WordPress site. It is designed for small to large-sized online suppliers using WordPress. woocommerce turns your site into a fully functional WordPress e-commerce website with just a few clicks. The best thing about WordPress and WooCommerce is code and content can be changed according to suit — adjust and customize your website exclusively.
Flexibility is the great assistance of using WooCommerce to sell online. Plugins, extensions and themes are using to fulfill requirements, then adjusted and coded to modify the look and functionality of your site.
However, there are some practices to follow when making site squeezes, and it’s not always clear how these changes made
WooCommerce 360º Image
With WooCommerce 360º Image, you can add a vibrant, custom 360º image rotation to product pages so customers access product details. Group of images to a product gallery, and the featured image with a beautiful 360º picture that customers can rotate to see all features of the product. It’s also responsive, so customers on mobile devices have the same great experience.
Perfect for: E-Commerce stores that give customers an experience like actually holding a product.
Upsells and cross-sells are effective ways to increase customers’ cart sizes with intelligent product references on the basis of your user experience can increase the average order of your product. Recommendation engines filter your products, such as the number of views, sales, or even reviews, to present the most popular and valued products without the customer’s need to search for them. Timely product recommendation, Celebrity endorsements, and many more ways to enhance the product value order.
Product Video for WooCommerce
Videos are an influential way to glass case your products in action. Use the Product Video for WooCommerce extension lead to add videos to your product image gallery, Upload the videos to your WordPress media library, or embed them from third-party services like YouTube or Vimeo.
Perfect for: E-Commerce stores with products that are best shown in action
If you sell power tools, exhibit the size of the tool and how it works.
If you sell clothes, show how an item fits a range of body types.
If you sell toys, add clips of kids playing with your products and references from happy parents.
If you sell car parts, customers can inspect the close-up details.
If you sell watches, customers can zoom in and look at all its features.

The theme you use
The next phase to take is changing your store’s design. With WooCommerce, this is done by installing a WooCommerce compatible WordPress theme. Themes can be easily exchanged, so you don’t have to commit to one for life.

Your store is your identity
Your new store is a blank picture. It has no identity, no unique marks, and nothing to set it separately from any other site. As such, the first thing you should customize is your identity. This means taking basic steps like:
Give the name of your store
Make a logo
Creates a tagline
Choose the colors that represent your brand

Start customizing your product pages
WooCommerce is all about customizability, which is provides all the tools you need to edit the design and functionality of product pages. By adding fields, videos, size charts, and more, your pages can be as unique as the products that they feature.To help you properly order, shortlist of the few things you should customize in WooCommerce.
Size Chart for WooCommerce
If you sell products that come in various sizes, a chart helps customers understand which one to purchase and reduces the number of returns. The Size Chart for WooCommerce extension adds size charts to the product on your pages.
• If you sell T-shirts, add a size chart with shoulder, chest, and height measurements.
If you sell furniture, customers can view its style, length, height, and depth from all angles.
Woocommerce plugin provides you to
Add Login / Logout menu item
Add Product sales statistics for Admin users
Customize Shop & Product Pages
Manage font size and color for WooCommerce Shop & Product pages
Design ‘Add To Cart’ buttons and ‘On Sale’ banners on your page
Edit User Account tabs
Edit or Remove Product Page Tabs
Add a ‘Continue Shopping’ button
Add a ‘Back to Shop’ button
Add “New Product” badges
Auto Update Cart
Select the login redirect or logout page
Add To Cart’ Increments and lots more
Checkout, billing, or tax settings

After you decide how your store is going to look, the next thing recommend is changing the settings that involve payment of any kind. This includes:
The payment methods you are accepting is in the form of credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, cash on delivery etc.
How you plan to ship or deliver your products
The fifth thing recommend is customizing during the setup process involves how you to ship or to deliver your products to customers. WooCommerce gives you the setup of a digital store, this won’t take very much time at all.

Set up your Shopify store
WordPress and E-Commerce exist together and turn the WordPress platform to build an online shop. Since WordPress already has WooCommerce and other built-in E-commerce plugins, why would you consider Shopify?
Shopify is a separate platform that allows users to open a hosted online shop in a few minutes. At first, it might seem illogical to mix the two platforms, however, last year Shopify announced the publication of their WordPress plugin and three free WordPress themes. Obviously, this is a move to break into the larger WordPress community and become the E-Commerce solution for many of them.
The Shopify Buy Button creates a distinct mini-storefront on your WordPress blog or website and connects to Shopify’s secure shopping cart platform. All you just need a product to sell and you’re ready to launch. And yes one more thing! it’s fully customizable too which suits your brand’s look.
Why we Use Shopify to Open a WordPress Online Shop?
Better Security Options
SSL – All Shopify stores comprise a 256-bit SSL certificate to save business data and customers’ information secure.
PCI compliant (Level-1) – with the level-1 PCI compliant customer’s credit card details are fully secured at the Shopify platform
Better Shopping Cart Options
Shopify claims several shopping cart options that make it easy to increase your adaptations.
Built-in Payment options: Shopify has built-in payment options that allow you to take Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express payments directly.
Multiple payment gateways: Shopify offers more than 70 payment doorways including PayPal, Stripe, and geeky Bitcoin.
Shipping Rates and Automatic taxes: Shopify takes out the solution of calculating shipping rates and adding automatic taxes for locations around the world.


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